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Can I Use Lasers To Remove Microblading?

Like many trends in beauty eyebrows have come in and out of fashion. From 90’s pencil eyebrows to 2021 fluffy soap eyebrows, the trends seem to be never-ending. In the year 2018, we noticed an increase in cosmetic microblade tattoos. Nearly everyone, including their mom were getting microbladed eyebrow tattoos.

Theoretically, with time, the color of your cosmetic ink will fade out, and you’ll come back to refresh your look. However, the ink does not always fade as time passes and the ink may change to in a different hue or the style changes or your brows weren’t well done in the first place. This is where the microblading removal Derbyshire process comes in.

There are many ways to get rid of microblading tattoos. They range from Microblading removal products to the use of saline the most reliable and safest technique is laser tattoo removal. This article we will explain how to get rid of microblading tattoos efficiently and efficiently.

What is the process behind Microblading Do Its Work?

Microblading refers to tattooing with cosmetic ink that is typically semi-permanent. Utilizing a fine line needle that resembles an xacto knife and a pigment for cosmetic use A microblading tattoo artist will place fine hairs inside and above the eyebrow to create the desired shape and size. Microbladed eyebrows can come in all different colors to be matched to the individual. Similar to tattooing procedures used in regular tattoos that use ink, it is inserted into the epidermis on the face of the client.

What exactly is Microblading Removal?

When it comes to getting rid of microblading tattoos, the procedure is like removing the regular tattoo. It is recommended to visit the clinic every six to eight weeks for a visit and with time the tattoo will disappear completely. There are numerous reasons one might decide to get rid of their microblading tattoos. It could be due to the color and shape, to getting harder to remove there are always reasons for deciding to remove it.

Fading Microblading vs. Microblading Removal

Fading a microblading tattoo can be slightly different from complete removal. It is often the result of fewer laser sessions and those who choose to fade tend to light up only just a tiny portion of the tattoo.

Other ways to achieve the microblading fade is using an exfoliant that is gently scrubbed over time such as rosehip seed oil or removal with saline. These methods aren’t advised as laser removal is the most secure option, however they exist and can possibly work.

There are many ways to remove tattoos, however, not all of them are suggested. It’s important to be mindful of removal methods as well as the outcome you anticipate to get. Below are 7 ways you could fade or remove the tattoo, and we’ll determine which ones are effective or not.

1. Do Not Use The Recommended Aftercare

This is not a good option. Much like receiving a regular tattoo, post-care guidelines must be followed to ensure that the tattoo heals properly. Avoiding the recommended aftercare could cause faded or patchy microbladed eyebrows. Going against the recommended aftercare protocols can also result in scarring or infections.

2. Be Patient

The typical cosmetic ink lasts in the skin for 6-24 months. You could wait until the ink has faded naturally, which could reduce the cost and cause discomfort however, you’ll lose the opportunity to get it out of your skin in time. The downsides of waiting for the ink to disappear includehaving to maintain your eyebrows you don’t like longer than you’d prefer or the ink may take more than 6-24 months to fade to disappear.

3. At-Home DIY

DIY is great for home decor however when it comes to removal of tattoos, you’ll need to consult an experienced professional. Social media can promote salt and lemon DIY scrubs and saline microblading removal but at the end of the day you’ll end up with scar tissue and misshaped tattoo ink. Tattoo ink is located in the epidermis, scrubbing the dermis will only cause scar tissue to develop and maybe a faded tattoo appearance from the build-up of the tissue. Make sure to leave the DIY to home improvements and avoid eyebrow tattoo removal methods that require a DIY.

Rosehip Seed Oil

Apparently massaging rosehip seed oils on the microblade 3 times a day for 2 weeks will dull your tattoo ink. This is not a safe method to remove. You might see some eyebrow hair growth or skin benefits, but it will not remove the tattoo ink from your skin.


It’s recommended to remain aware of the frequency at which you exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation can be beneficial in removing dead skin cells and encouraging circulation, but it can harm the skin barrier and trigger scar tissue to grow. It is not advised to exfoliate the tattoo for removal. It is not able to penetrate the epidermis and will only result in damage to your dermis.

Tattoo Removal Creams

Topical creams are also not advised as they will cause damage to skin’s dermis (top barrier) of your skin , and will not penetrate the epidermis. Tattoo removal creams can also burn the skin and cause scarification or hypo/hyperpigmentation (bleaching or darkening of the skin pigmentation).

4. Get Assistance From an Aesthetician

Cosmetic procedures are the focus of aestheticians’ profession. That includes many services like microblading eyebrow hairs and skin peeling, facials, microdermabrasion, and even removal options. It’s crucial when searching for an aesthetic practitioner for removal options to do your homework. Make sure the person you choose is trustworthy, licensed, and has experience with microblading removal or fading. A professional who is a good aesthetician will be able to provide a proof-of-conviction of their client’s successful removals with before and post-images and reviews. They also provide precise clinical expectations as to when the tattoo will fade.

5. Let a Microblading Technician Help

It’s possible to visit a microblading technician to fix the results instead of requesting removal, however they may suggest removal if they feel it is necessary. Some technicians who specialize in microblading may be able of offering removal options for their clients. Depending on the method they are able to provide, it may be beneficial or dangerous.

Methods like laser removal are recommended, and methods like saline removal can damage the skin. If you choose to remove by a professional who does microblading make sure they are using the correct method and are licensed to operate the machine. It’s also important to check the results they have achieved and be aware of the length of time they’ve been practicing. The final results might take longer when you’re a new technician.

6. Saline Microblading Removal

Saline injections can be administered or microbladed on your skin to take out the pigments. Remicrolading with saline essentially removes the skin’s barrier and allows the solution to get into the epidermis. This technique theoretically removes pigmentation of tattoos, but it can also damage the skin. Medical professionals often choose the removal of saline because it’s quick and does not require the technical expertise. Some disadvantages of using saline removal methods are, the solution can cause damage to the skin, it could burn the skin, cause scarification, or hypo/hyperpigmentation which could cause a skin bleach effect or darker pigmentation to form. Also, you’ll have to go through multiple saline removal sessions that carry a higher risk of skin injury.

7. Laser Microblading Removal

This process involves breaking apart the pigment particles into small digestible pieces that are suitable for white blood cells carry across your immune system. With time and continued sessions the laser breaks down the ink layer one layer until it’s fully removed. This is the most secure removal option since it safeguards the health of your skin without compromising your skin’s barrier.

Like typical tattoo removal time, the length of time it takes for the tattoo to be removed will depend on the type of ink and density. The typical time is between 5 and 10 sessions to observe results. Additional information regarding the costs for eyebrow tattoo removal can be found here. The advantages to choosing laser tattoo removal over other options are it is FDA approved as a non-invasive process, your skin integrity will remain intact, there are minimal adverse reactions, the aftercare process is simple, and results are beautiful.

Here are a few of the most frequently-asked concerns regarding the removal of microblading.

Tattoo removal using lasers are the most efficient and most secure method for removing microblading tattoos. We suggest the Candela PicoWay which is FDA certified and non-invasive. The laser provides the most effective results, with little to no visible cosmetic ink left.

Home remedies to remove eyebrows with microbladed lines include oils creams, and exfoliants. It’s not recommended to perform removal procedures at home, however, fading results may occur over time when you use them consistently.

It’s possible! Cosmetic ink doesn’t have the heavy metals and components that are intended to last all the time. With time, the microblading ought to fade away naturally and removal of the laser accelerates that process.