With the proper apps, smartphones can be used for almost everything However, it’s also a good idea to periodically ditch your smartphone to use a reliable notepad. Here are seven good reasons to keep an actual notepad in your bag.
- Connecting with your brain.
Moving away from using your phone for every aspect of your daily life to keeping a notepad on paper could be beneficial beyond your handwriting. It’s not possible to check social media in your notepad, for example. The idea of using a notepad to record specific aspects of your life, like your list of things to do-to-do-lists–can aid in removing yourself from the addiction to your smartphone. The use of your phone too often can cause sleep problems anxiety, stress, lower productivity, and many other problems experts suggest putting off your phone regularly during your day to end the routine of checking your notifications every couple of minutes.
The idea of outsourcing some things you need to do digitally to a notepad could help you to get away from the computer screen. If you’re not sure of what you’d put in a notepad of paper start with a basic planner. This will allow you to organize your goals, your to-do lists and appointments in a logical manner.
- It can be used to do anything.
Notepads are superior to applications when it comes to their versatility. They’re not only for journaling although they’re excellent for that too. Notepads can serve as an ideal place to store everything you’re trying to keep track of such as your monthly budget to your grocery list , to your checklist of all the wonderful cafes you’ve had the pleasure of visiting or restaurants you’ve had the pleasure of drinking. You don’t have to keep it for solely writing. It’s also an excellent spot to sketch drawings, doodles and diagrams.
- Handwriting outdoes typing.
Handwriting by hand offers a variety of advantages when compared to typing and having a notepad on hand is an excellent way to keep your skills in script writing sharp. Research shows that handwriting aids in processing information more effectively retain more information, learn faster, and think more quickly than typing. Additionally, it helps improve your spelling. Because you don’t likely spend much time writing down information in longhand at workplace, your handwriting skills may have diminished when you quit school. Sometimes, writing down your thoughts in a notepad can be an effective way to reenergize the brain regions (and hand) which don’t get exercise when you write on a computer or smartphone.
- Your memory isn’t reliable.
Notepads are the ideal location to record your thoughts in case you lose it. Although you might think at the moment that your memory will be a part of you forever but the likelihood is that the small snippet of information or idea will not stick. Memory isn’t just short-lived, but it’s also incredibly insecure. Eyewitness testimony in court cases has been found to be highly unreliable, and researchers have found that even people with so-called Highly Superior Autobiographical Memories–super-memory skills that allow them to remember just about every detail from their lives–are susceptible to false memories. Even if we think we remember things clearly our memories could be inaccurate. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then, that we find it difficult to recall phone numbers as well as grocery shopping lists?
The convenience of carrying a pen and paper makes it simple to record information while on the move which will give you a better picture of your day when you return to your notepad. Noting down thoughts and events throughout the day is a great method of boosting your memory, however the notepad can also be used for more mundane purposes as well, such as jotting down the place you bought the perfect slice of pizza.
- Writing is beneficial for your mental well-being.
Journaling is a method that doctors suggest to fight mental health problems like depression and anxiety. A journal can help people explore their the thoughts and fears that they have and patterns of negative thinking and monitor the symptoms. Even if you’re not suffering from anxieties, keeping an diary will help you understand your emotions and help you get to know yourself. It’s possible that you’re not able to write daily If you keep the notepad you’ve got and a diary, it will be available to keep a journal while working on your busy day.
- It is impossible to predict when the spark of inspiration will strike.
The use of a notepad has been a vital element of creativity for many centuries. Ludwig van Beethoven didn’t go anywhere without one to be prepared in the event that the spark of inspiration hit him while out. Benjamin Franklin carried a pocket notepad to record his progress in morality in the “13 qualities” personality development program. Mark Twain took notepads with his wherever he went to record his notes and ideas for books. It’s the same the present. Modern artists and authors recognize that the best ideas won’t be coming to them while sitting in their workstations, working. Notepads are essential to make sure that they’re prepared when an idea occurs to them. Even if you’re not planning to become a famous writer or composer, you doubt experience moments of brilliance throughout your day life. A notepad can help you recall them.
- A notepad is never depleted of batteries.
Planners and apps for digital devices are handy and efficient until your phone stops working. Paper and pen do not require any charge and are always available for use. Even even if you use your smartphone or laptop for the majority of writing, it’s a good idea to have a notepad on to use in the event that your electronic devices are running low on juice. Even when your phone isn’t gone, having notepads can help conserve battery power for more pressing tasks like finding directions , or even playing games.