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School Photo Booth Hire FAQs

With as high as 95 percent of UK schools now hosting elaborate events to celebrate the close of the term for students in year 11. (15 to 16 years young people) and the year thirteen’s (17 up to 17 to) and with an average cost per pupil around £250 it is crucial that the organizers of the prom at school create a memorable event.

Many proms today feature the school prom photo booth and with expectations for students increasing year after year, it is essential to ensure that all the details perfect.

In this article , I’ll discuss the top 5 questions you should ask your vendor when you are looking for a prom booth.

1. The size of your school Prom Photo Booth

The majority of students are a friendly crowd at parties, and proms are one of them. From getting to the prom in limos with group members to forming small groups, they will most likely doubt want to cram to photos booths. It is therefore important to inquire with your supplier what size the prom photo booth hire Durham is , and how many guests it will accommodate, in a safe manner.

The standard prom photo booth has an oval and can accommodate a maximum of 6-8 students. However , there are other shapes booths available that make the most of the interior space and can be able to accommodate between 8 and 10 students.

2. The Strength of Your Booth

It’s not surprising that prom pupils get very excited. It’s after all one of the once-in-a-lifetime events and one in which everyone wants to be noticed. This is why, in addition to the size of your booth, it is also important to ensure that the booth is built with the correct materials and strong enough to support a crowd of enthusiastic children.

The majority of booths are constructed from aluminum panels and sections that are light enough to transport but sturdy enough to hold large groups of guests. However , there are frame made of aluminum that is stronger than others, as this research illustrates.

Many proms are held at local hotels or other attractions, it is essential to make sure that any photo booth that you rent for your prom is in compliance with the fire safety regulations. Avoid booths constructed of or include materials like MDF. Also , make sure that the curtains are made from an anti-fire material.

3. Social Media Capability

It’s no surprise to students that they appreciate the fact that certain prom photo booths at schools can upload the pictures directly to Facebook and then post and tag the pictures they are featured in. It is crucial to inquire with your booth supplier regarding their social media capabilities and if a live Facebook upload is feasible.

Remember to ask your location if internet access is possible , either through an Ethernet cable or WiFi.

4. Fun Props

A large portion of the school prom is getting dressed up, and this can extend to the excitement that is the picture booth. Check with your booth vendor whether they provide free fun props for your kids to use in the booth. The kind of props you can expect to typically include masks, hats feather boa’s, wigs, and feather boa’s.

The most recent innovation in fun props also includes the creation in fun props that are digital, where you can choose in advance the kind of props that you’d like, which could include your own personal message or themed props. You should ask your vendor whether they have these props available to you for prom.

5. Backgrounds for Photos

In the amount of time and effort involved in planning the school prom, you’ll need to ensure that the pictures your kids receive will be an unforgettable memory not only the prom but also of the experience in your establishment. With the majority of photo booths, you’ll have the option of a plain backdrop within the booth, or digital backgrounds behind which your pupils can pose.

It’s not rocket science to decide the best option for them. If you are planning your prom any way, it is possible for you to incorporate themed backgrounds, or even a photo of your school. Ask your supplier whether you are able to have green screen backgrounds and be able to agree with them before the images to be provided to your students to pick from.

I hope that this article has provided you with some helpful tips and ideas on what to ask for your school’s next prom-themed photo booth. If you have additional concerns, don’t hesitate to connect with us.